Janelleas's Journal

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03 January 2009

Last night was a disaster. Party and "game night" at our house. Played Mexcian train and our friends brought food with them, we had snacks set our ourselves and there was a lot of champagne flowing for us ladies. My hubby ended up driving some of our guests home that night and we collected them back up this morning so they could retrieve their cars. We ended up all going out to breakfast together. I didn't make the best choice for breakfast but it wasn't the worst choice either. It was the toast that cost me too many calories.

I am going to exercise and do pilates and yoga while we watch the football games today. I finally have the pilates routine with bands pretty well memorized and I have some other calestenics that I will be doing. I am going to set a time on the table and hit it and time how much exercise I get in by the end of two ball games.

I have journaled my food for today so far, my exercise so far and will complete it later. This is all for the bootcamp challenge that requires daily journaling. Now, Im off for more adventure and exciting football games today. My Charger's are playing today and thats the most exciting game for me today. I use to go see the Charger's play when I lived in San Diego and my most beloved Aunt Dodo went with me when I was getting the student discount tickets. Fond memories of those days.

01 January 2009

It's been a rough holiday this year for me. Too many parties, too many temptations. I was doing great right up till the end. I really want to focus on getting to my goal by May. I have a vacation in early April so it will be challenging, but if I can lose at a good steady rate and keep on track, it will encourage me and keep me motivated. I just want to DO IT... I have taken to long messing around and I just need to do it and learn how to live this healthier way forever. I want it... I want it.. I want it!! I want to wear jeans or slacks with a my shirt tucked in and belt!

about shutting the garage door on my fingers.. since someone asked

It happened about 12 years ago. We had an electric garage door opener but we were experiencing a power outtage, so I pulled the emergency release cord so that I could disconnect the garage door opener an open the door manually. There was a piece of rope tied to the door on the inside so that I could lift it and pull it along the track to open the door and get the car out. Once the car was out however I realized I was too short to reach the outside handle on the garage door and couldn't shut the garage door. So I put my hands in between the horizontal slats of the garage door with every intention of giving the door a shove downward and quickly removing my fingers...but the door went down so fast that it was amazing how fast that heavy door came down and trapped my fingers inside the portion of the garage door. My neighbor heard and saw the whole thing, including my cry's for help. I was unable to lift the heavy door using just my trapped fingers. the neighbor set me free and my hands were swollen immediately... neighbor took me in the house and made sure I got ice on my hands. Most painful thing I can ever remember happening to me. It happened on a Sunday and went to the doctors on Monday becuase it still hurt so bad I thought I might have broken some fingers. No broken fingers... but yes, all those fingernails turned black, dried up and fell off. Doc said he didn't think i would grow any nails back at all becaue the damage was so severe. However one year after the accident, I noticed thin little nails growing .. I now do have nails but they are very thin, wavy.. very wavy... and so now I get an acrylic put on top of my own nails.. no "tips".. just my own nails but the acrylic on top makes them smooth and pretty again. I am just thankful I grew some nails back so that I have something to put the acrylic on top of. I tell you, I would rather go through child birth than ever have my fingers caught in a garage door again.

You asked.. specially you JulieC.

30 December 2008

I decided to face the music and weigh in. This weight gain showed up all at once... like an overdue account! I thought I was sailing along just great, I have been partying, drinking, eating cheesecake and pumpkin desserts of different sorts and in general not paying attention and not journaling my foods. I thought because I was getting so much exercise in that it would not affect me...wrong!! It all caught up.

This is day two that the weight gain is still showing up on my scale. I need to face it right now and hopefully by paying attention and getting right to it, it will come off easier than the "old" pounds. A doc once told me we have three days for "temporary weight" to work at getting it off.. after three days it becomes permanament weigh which is a little more stubborn about leaving. Im going to be very good today and see what the scale says tomorrow.

28 December 2008

Holy Cow Batman!! Stepped on the scales early this morning and was shocked at weight gain. I guess all my permissive eating showed up today! I am not going to record it because it is too unbelievable and I am thinking it might be some sort of water retention or something happening. My pants even seemed tight around my waist this morning, so I am hoping it is a temporary thing. I'll give it a day or two and see what happens.

Happy thought for today: We went out this morning to meet up with some friends for Breakfast out. There was lots of story sharing and laughter around the table. Except for the story about how I got my hands caught in a garage door and was “stuck” there until a neighbor came to lift the door and free me. My poor fingernails have never been the same, so I need to put acrylic over them to make them look smooth and keep them from splitting or breaking. I wonder if insurance would pay for getting my nails done??!

Hubby and I stopped at Costco which was practically deserted to get a few things for our New Years Eve party. Going to the movies again tonight with friends.

Everything is still white outside and snow is so deep now that the holographic Santa, Frosty the snowman and the penguins with lights are deep in snow now. Santa and Frosty have snow up to their butts and the baby penguin is in snow almost up to his necktie. Its warmer today so the snow is melting on the driveway and street.

only concern for today is that I have been thinking about how ImLuuvd is doing today. Today would have been Sarah's birthday. I think I'll give her a ring on the phone.

26 December 2008

Janelleas's Weight History

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