hoops02's Journal

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28 April 2018

Day 9: I went in to work for about an hour this morning to see how the team was doing. I got a few comments on how I am looking slimmer, and others quickly chimed in. My belly is noticeably smaller. It was nice to hear. My wife and three boys have all commented the last couple of days on how I look like I have lost weight, as well. So when we packed up for the beach I was pleasantly surprised to find that my favorite swim trunks were having trouble staying up on my waist. So I switched to my favorite pair of khaki pants. Same problem. I had to get a belt to hold them up.

I finally found the digital scale I have been missing while looking for something else in the garage. (We recently moved from out of state, so we still have a few boxes - like 25, really - to go through.) So, I put it on the garage floor and zeroed it out. Five tries and the following weights: 317.8, 318.2, 317.9, 320.1, 319.3.

Stupid scale. I'll try again in the morning and see what it says.

Is it possible that I've lost 17-19 pounds in 9 days? Or should I buy a new scale? It didn't seem to be lying to me when I was pushing nearly 340 last year. It was only a pound or two off from what the scale at the Dr.'s office said after a bought with flu-like symptoms. Who knows?

Here's the breakdown the last 9-days:

Calories/Carbs for my first 9-days at 6'7" and 335.0 lbs even.


(Mind you that on the day I found this app I put away nearly 4400 calories and 467 carbs on a light day of eating.)

As you can see, I am getting a bit smarter on the carbs. Amazing what I have turned away the last 4-days, especially. A trip to the grocery store on Wednesday had a few products dialed in. (I'm still shocked about onions. Killing me.)

The beach was simply amazing. Especially with my amazing wife of 23+ years by my side. She is a treasure to me. It was a wonderful day, my friends, and I trust you had one, too.

26 April 2018

Day 7: 1200 total calories today but 120 carbs. I’m thinking I did pretty well, but those bananas are killing me. I just never knew bananas had so many carbs in them.

I’m still trying to grasp how I can maintain my weight at 3500 cal and how my recommended daily intake is around 2800 to lose weight somewhat quickly but I’ve had a few 1200 calorie days and haven’t felt misery from hunger. I’m seriously a dieting novice.

I’m also wondering where these crazy cravings that I am used to having have been. I literally have all of the free junk food I could ever want around me at work. We put bowls of chips, sugar filled snacks, cheese or peanut butter crackers, etc. out for our employees and free Dr. Pepper and Cokes in the refrigerator. I haven’t touched any of them. I guess it’s because I am losing weight with some lofty goals in mind than my last 2-3 diet attempts.

I still need to find a scale to weigh myself again. I weighed myself on a certified scale about nine days ago at a shipping dock. I’d like to know how much I’ve lost. I guess I need to get online and read some reviews on good scales to buy for in home use. It seems that once you get over 300 pounds you never know what you might get in terms of quality. I do know that my pants are already quite loose, and I have had to adjust my belt another notch. That is a good feeling except for when I start pondering the cost of some new clothes for work, etc.

My sweet wife has been looking for low carb recipes with medium protein amounts and decent calories totals. It’s not easy getting the mix right, it seems. But searching is half the fun.

7-days in and I truly feel encouraged, thankful, and sometimes hungry. Overall I feel physically and mentally great. God is good.

24 April 2018

Day 5: A tough day at work had me thinking of - and reaching for - comfort food. I was able to set most of it down.

My carb intake was out the roof today, I know. A hair over 200. But I was still just under 2100 calories for the day, which seems low with what I ate. Over 1100 of those at supper alone. I may have even cheated up a little bit on reporting the portion sizes as I felt that the calorie totals seemed a little low. I wanted to be sure they’re all in there.

With my RDI of calories being around 2600 and up depending on who you ask for measured weight loss at my age/height/size/activity the calorie count seems solid.

I biked hard for 30-minutes this evening, about 6.5 miles. Not bad for an old man.

I’m amazed how easily I’ve avoided sweet tea, sodas, breads, and candy my first five days. Far easier than I thought it would be - so far - and probably why after 5-days my pants feel a little loose. I may weigh in sometime in the next day or two and see if I’ve dropped a couple of pounds. Keeping my fingers crossed.

23 April 2018

Day 4: It's raining today and is supposed to continue well into the evening. I long to ride my bike after what was (for me, at least) a 5-mile sprint last night. I completed it in 28-minutes, a little over 5-minutes per mile average. When I got home my legs felt like jelly. Tonight I'll do something in the garage to get moving, I imagine. Maybe I should buy one of those punching bags?

I felt hunger today for the first time since starting my diet a few days ago. I was running late to the office, which normally doesn't bother me with my being the boss and all, but I needed to get a head start on the day with my lengthy to-do list. (todoist.com holds my brain!) I grabbed one of the last hard-boiled eggs we cooked up a couple of days ago and another bottle of water. That was breakfast for a 6'7" 330-pounder! As expected I felt the first little grumble by 9:00 AM, so I nibbled on a couple of dice-sized pieces of sharp cheddar cheese my wife had in her own lunch box (she works with me when I'm short-handed, bless her heart) and that seemed to help for a while. By 10:30 I was feeling considerable angst - the trivial kind - at my growling stomach and broke down and grabbed a "Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Granola Bar - Cashew." Only 160 calories but 23 whopping carbs! And I got to thinking that I need to find a diet that will work for a tall 47-year old looking to drop 50 lbs. Carbs? Calories? Sodium? Fat? So much to balance. I'm thinking Keto. A lot of it makes sense and I'd love to reprogram my body. Those carbs just won't do if I go that route.

Another thing struck me today, and it seems - to me at least - fairly revolutionary. Here it is: It's OK to feel a little bit hungry. Deeply philosophical, eh? I'll tell you this, I have rarely felt it in my little first-world middle class life of having plenty of snacks and soft drinks within arms reach almost all of the time. My wife will tell you that when I am deeply hungry with the nausea and light-headed symptoms I'm a hot mess. I'm not talking about that kind. (No one should suffer during a diet or they'll not diet for long, methinks). I'm talking about that gentle rumble at nine this morning that caused me to lift an eyebrow and scan the room for a sugary opportunity. That kind of hunger is OK. It's a great signal that I need to find a healthy option in the next hour or so that lines up with this little plan of mine to get fit. I'll tell you about my two biggest motivations in the coming days, but for now, dear friends, I'll bid you a happy evening and wish you success on your daily journey.

22 April 2018

Day 3. A good two-days longer than any other "official" attempt I have ever made to eat more healthy with some sense of a plan. I have certainly had periods where I have tried to be more conscious, but stick a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts in front of me and I'll grab two. Or three. This morning I dropped in at work before church and discovered four boxes my Assistant Director put out for employee satisfaction purposes. I ate half a doughnut and recorded it. I'm feeling more proud than guilty, to be honest. I resisted far more than I gave in.

I estimate that my calorie intake has been around 4400 to 4900 each day just entering some of the common things I eat. Pretty alarming, I suppose. The RDI the app and other sites have set for me is 3500. Seems high, though I am currently 6' 7.5" and 330 lbs. with moderate activity. I am a former college athlete and, at 47-years old, can still dunk a basketball with two hands. I feel great.

(My goal is 289 lbs. I think ideally I should be between 270-290 as I have an extremely wide frame. Most people who guess my weight now will say 250. I do look far lighter than I actually am. Big bones, I suppose.)

The last couple of days I was right at 2000 calories for the entire day based on the calorie measurements offered by this app. I checked the items in other apps and found them to be almost the exact same, so I imagine it is pretty accurate. I was surprised at how satisfied I was with my hunger levels given it was half the calorie intake I am accustomed to. I think I eat out of boredom or habit sometimes more than out of hunger. I drank 8-10 cups of water, which I recorded just for the FYI purposes. I avoided obvious sugars such as sweet tea, sodas, potatoes, and bread. I think doing that alone will make a huge difference. I biked for 30-minutes yesterday on my Electra Townie 7D. Just over 4.5 miles. It was great.


hoops02's Weight History

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