esimnons's Journal

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08 December 2011

Thursday - the day before Friday.... Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is a great day. Been getting lots of work accomplished this morning and stirring up trouble - my favorite pastime at work given that it is my job :) Food is fine I think... DOn't think I am eating anything wrong. I could eat better I know but - nothing like induging in cookies or something. My headache is bad today but I am taking muscle relaxers so it is ebbing :) Lucky for me I can function when taking these pills... Id be in real trouble if I couln't.

Get to head out tomorrow... not going to head directly home but we will on Saturday. I am hoping I get to take my horse home but - we will see. I want to go buy saddle blankets etc tomorrow but I am not spending money until I know I need the stuff. Unlike my husband, I try to be cognizant of the time value of money and opportunity costs etc.

I am trying to drink my water today. Doing good so far... Hope to get all 80 oz in today. Need to focus on that again.... It always seems that the more water I drink, the more I need and I hate that thirsty feeling. Oh well. It is better to crave water than to crave other stuff.

I told my husband that I am going to do the meat thing starting Monday. He can hold me accountable so that is good. It is funny, he is now paying attention to what i eat more than ever. I kind of like it.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. It is noon here so it is half over - Yippee!!!!

07 December 2011

Second journal for the day - I am soooo bored!! This is really all just for myself - need the memory boost.

Anyway, I signed up for a nurse/coach through my health insurance. She called me last night and we were talking aout my goals. As you may realize, I am not a goal setter by nature. I don't like them - they are way too easy to not reach and BAM... your feel like a failure. Fore me, when I succeed, I still feel like a failure because I think the goal was too easy. I am way to difficult to please I know but - those are my feelings. if I succeed, it was too easy and means nothing - if I fail, I am a total failure and good for nothing. See the pattern?? Anyway, we were talking about my bottom line desire - as in what do i want out of this coaching thing. My bottom line desire was the same thng as it was in the beginning of this weight loss journey - I want to be healthier and specifically, i want to get off the blood pressure medicines that i take. I don't like them and they are expensive. it has never been about weight loss really - it has been about health.

So we get to talking about what I have already done and how I did it. I told her that I limited my carb intake, logged my foods and journaled. She was very supportive and said those were all thigs that she would have recommended. She also asked me about taking my medicine because she said many people don't. I explained that I ALWAYS take it I don't mess around with that stuff. We talked about what I need motivation for and I said that I needed motivation to start exercizing. That is my big problem now. it is not food or cravings for bad things - it is the need to exercise and the lack of motivation to do so. Finding time and energy for it... this type of stuff. ANyway, she asked me what I wanted to work on for the next few weeks and I told her nothing. i don't want to try to committ to doing anything now. The holidays are here and I am just sick of everything. We decided that my goal is to stay under 25 to 30 carbs a day (I am generally under 20) and that I would continue to log my foods. I can't fail with that :)

I also talked with a friend of mine who has had great weight loss success. She recommended a meat fast when I get home. Nothing but meat and eggs for 3 days. We talked about water intake a bit too and I now have a plan. A goal for next week. next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I will eat only meat and eggs. Low sodium too. I will also drink at least 80 ounces of water each day and try for 100 ounces. I will weigh myself on Monday AM and then again on Thursday AM and see if there is a difference. I may not record it though... I'll see how bad it is :) I know I have gained because I can feel it in my clothes. I figure with this as a goal - how can I fail? I can eat meat. I can drink water. It is only 3 days. I can do anything for 3 days. At leat I hope I can.

Im happy about the coach. Maybe it will help me but I now that what I really need is a trainer. Because i don't see one in my near future - Im going to have to do this myself. Thinking about getting a ftibit for myself. Thinking about increasing the number of steps I take as a path to fitness. It is not what i want - I want weight training... But it is a start. I have a few days home during the holidays and I think I am going to try to walk more. If i can get into the habit - maybe I can do it at hotels. Baby steps... I think even marching in place would fall into the category of increasing my steps and that is something I have done in my hotel rooms. If I can increase the number of steps I take every day - maybe that will lead to even better places but really, walking more is supposed to lower your stress and possibly my blood pressure... That is the true goal. I just need to remember that it is my goal. The weight loss has not do it - maybe the walking will.

Oh and the trip to the Dr yesterday yeilded an interesting recommendation - cut my boobs off. Yes, apparently the headaches that I have been experiencing for over a year are actually caused by big boobs. The pressure on my shoulders and strain on my posture causes the muscle spasms that are causing the constant headache. Just great. Great i tell you. Well I am not really interested in cutting off my boobs thank you very much! Guess I will go back to taking muscle relaxers 3 times a day... twice a day does not seem to do it for me :( Again - this is for my memory in case i start to wonder why my head hurts all the time.

07 December 2011

Everything is going well today. I'm still ready to go home but it is Wednesday and I know I will be home soon. Food is still the same - I over endulged yesterday on fresh blueberries. Oh well - it could have been so much worse than that :) I've gotten hooked on brie cheese too. But there again, it could be worse.

They have extended my research study to 10 years so yesterday was not the last visit I will have to make. I don't really mind because the disc was really a godsend but I get tired of having to go back annually. But - hatever it takes. I am thankful for the disc and everything that they have done for me. Plus, I get a $300 gift card for my time and travel. It's nice at Christmas. I have several things that I want to purchase but everything is either about $300 or over $300.... Probably will just use it for purchasing horse stuff like a blanket and saddle pads. Why can't funds be unlimited???? Oh well.

Hope everyone has a great day

06 December 2011

05 December 2011

You know I am so amazed how different 1 person can feel from day to day. It is really odd how you can seem like a different person. I just read my last journal it is was rather happy. Today, I am miserable for some reason. I just feel yucky and fat and like nothing I do is good enough or really matters. Where the hell does that type of feeling come from???!!!!! I hate it SOOOO much.

I'm am feeling as if nothing really matters. Like everything is going to hell in a handbasket and that nothing I do is going to make a difference. I feel as if I am a big looser and not the weight loss kind. How can a person change so fast??? Why does a person change so fast?? Nothing bad has happened to me. I don't think i ate anything overly wrong. I am consistently making choices that while the will likely not help me lose weight, I should not put a ton on either. Why do i feel so crappy???? i think it is the fat that i am feeling in my tummy. i know I have not done anything overly wrong yet I can feel my fat getting bigger. I think that is the big culprit. That and possibly the fact that I am working alone and I prefer to have people near me Maybe that is one reason I am low. Plus, my office is in a state of change right now. Promotions and people moving around .... it is never good for moral and productivity for people to be uncertain about anything. Plus the weather is cold and rainy. Im normally hot natured but I have been freezing for over a week. My head hurts with sinus issues and my neck is killing me for some reason.

Does anyone have any cheese?????? this whine could really use some. brie or stilton would be most appreciated :)

Speaking of - is it true that too much cheese makes you not e able to go? if so, why? My Dear Darling is trying to convince me that it is true but I can't figure out a sientific reason for it.

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