jsfantome's Journal, 13 Sep 11

Change is in the Air!

Not sure what I want to do next…but something is about to change!

My two week experiment is over… weighed in this morning at 147. Ok, I realize that is a one pound loss over the two weeks. I also realize that ½ lb a week, for someone at my weight w/ little to lose is GREAT progress…SO…

What’s my problem?

Well, BUCK NAKED…everything looks the same. Two weeks of 20g’s of Induction Eating ONLY… and I am unhappy. I don’t want to commit to eating at this low level for the rest of eternity.

So, I will be continuing w/ Low Carb… but I will be reentering OWL starting today. SLOWLY… just like I tell everyone else to do… adding back more veggies at first… then a few berries, perhaps some unsalted nuts here and there… etc…

Not sure how this will impact the overall scale picture… but I don’t care. I don’t want to live at Induction Foods Levels forever. It just doesn’t feel ‘good’ to me.

I will maintain a fairly high protein intake. 70-100g’s / day.

I will try to eat less volume / more frequently… with 4-6 times a day as a goal.

I will continue w/ my hourly trip to the water dispenser. Non-Negotiable.

So if “playing around w/ my food intake” within the Low Carb parameters is not really the answer… than that leaves the other side of the coin (in my opinion) to explore making the desired changes … EXERCISE.

Was talking to my youngest son this morning (17yr old)… and he reminded me that I am not a quitter! I used to actually work out more PRIOR to Atkins… than I do now. Part of me has become lazy, in the sense that I wanted the ‘diet’ to do all the work. I wanted to be able to scoot into the gym… lift my weights… and scoot back out again… and hope that ‘just enough’ would be accomplished. I wanted to find that threshold where I could do the least amount possible with the most amount of gain! (just being honest.)

Oh, I have plenty of energy… and I use it in my everyday life… the amount of running around, housework, caretaking, appointments… and just general ‘do stuff’ has always been high. And that hasn’t increased or decreased in my life really.

So – Change is in the Air. I have several ‘exercise’ programs available to me here at home. And several that I have enjoyed going to outside of the home.

Zumba, Curves, Gym, Fluidity, and Slim in 6 DVD – all good – all do-able… The question becomes how do I change my mindsets to WANT to do them… Well, this experiment has helped me to see… that the Low Carb Lifestyle will only do so much. It isn’t a “magic bullet” to completely transform everything without doing additional work.

I am leaning towards the 6 week commitment to start with Slim in 6 … primarily because I can fit it in and do it here at home everyday. I am looking forward to seeing where I will be on the one year anniversary of hitting Maintenance come Oct. 30th. And that will be in aprox 6 weeks… so I am just looking for your feedback…

Sometimes you guys see stuff that I don’t see…

I’m thinking it’s time for me to take a deep breath – and start this next 6 weeks w/ a renewed commitment – as if I was starting from scratch.

The one thing I am unwilling to do… is nothing. I will not stay the same. I will not remain stagnant any longer. This has gone on too long… and I am mentally in need of a change. If it wasn’t for the fact that I feel so good on a Low Carb way of eating, I would be open to changing that… but I do like it… just not at Induction Levels forever.

So what do you guys think… what suggestions, impressions, etc…do you have???

Thanks…and Much Love.


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Personally you said it all yourself. I really think bumping up your exercise will totally change everything for you. I honestly believe that you are at a weight your body likes (even if you do not) and that you can achieve the body/tone/shape that you do like by adding in exercise. I think starting with slim in 6 is a good way to start and then go from there. 
13 Sep 11 by member: pixidaisy
Exercise is a good thing. I was the person in high school who refused to run the track when everyone else did. I hated exercise and sports both. The first two times on Atkins I also did no exercise. I hate to sweat, really I do. This go round I forced myself to exercise. At first it was a few times a week, then as I starting losing I started exercising 5 days a week. Then a funny thing happened...I started to like it. I felt strange if I didn't do it. I started to enjoy the tightness of my muscles after a work out. Once that happened I started working out both morning and evenings. If I can exercise 10 times a week as someone who hated exercise, for you, who actually did it because you wanted to, adding that back in should be easier. Once you develop more of a rountine, you'll probably wonder why you were slacking off on the exercise factor for so long.  
13 Sep 11 by member: icymaiden
Fall is a great time to initiate a change, a fresh start to get a person through the winter! For as busy as you are, finding something that works, that you enjoy AND can do at home is a golden find! Slim in 6 it is! I can't really remember what that one is all about at the moment, I know if have seen parts of the infomercial. I much prefer to do my excercise from home if at all possible, it is better time wise & $ wise (travel expense, membership, etc.), plus it is easier to fit in to the daily struggle, I mean schedule to get it all done! 
13 Sep 11 by member: gg-girl
I just so admire, your absolute determination to succeed. You are right, you don't want to eat "induction" food the rest of your life, otherwise, your body will think this is the norm and re-adjust to manage on it. I think it is very easy to "get lazy", about exercise, we all need to be alert to this... Well done to your son for recognising this. Personally, I don't mind doing some exercise at home.... But know that I may "slip", as the only person seeing me do this, is me. I enjoy the "group" thing, and being with people who have the same objective - to get fit and healthy.... Not that I chat, or socialise with them - but they are there, and silently motive me. I think you need to ask your self that question - do you need outside stimulus? Or can you continulously motivate yourself? Good luck :-) 
13 Sep 11 by member: Sk1nnyfuture
If anyone can do it you can..I so wish I had your determination...send some my way...I don't know why I am soo not into this in my head.... 
13 Sep 11 by member: BHA
You should do great. I know everybody is different, but I traded some calories for "Good Carbs" last week and lost 2 pounds. Am confident you will find the right tweak for yourself. 
13 Sep 11 by member: BuffyBear
You guys are awesome :) Thank you!!! Buffy - I am right there with ya! Once in awhile there has to be a blend. The occasional planned indulgence. So for me, since I have been as faithful as I can be... it's time. Time to reward myself w/ the mindset that my rare choice for a food that is not on my 'list' ... isn't going to kill me. I have overcome eating dysfunctionally. IF I HADN'T ... I wouldn't be saying this... but I have... so to treat food as if it's evil...doesn't work for me. I have been eyeing the 'freshest' corn on the cob for months...it's growning literally right outside my back door. And the farm up the road (who owns the corn) has just put out a notice to all the neighbor's that the corn is ready...free for the taking while it lasts... So, I am thinking this weekend of having a Lobster cookout w/ Corn and a salad. Love how easily I can blend one thing in w/ another. Notice I didn't say I was diving head first into a batch of cookies or a sundae... just gonna enjoy a yummy veggie...one I happen to LOVE... and one I should be able to enjoy once a year. And I'm going to. 
13 Sep 11 by member: jsfantome
BTW - just got back from my mammogram re-do...then an ultrasound on both sides. Both breasts have a bunch of small cysts. R- has one decent size...and they want to aspirate it to be sure it's fluid. Oh joy! Anyway... the radiologist did not seem even the slightest bit concerned..but just cautionary. I should expect to hear back from my Dr.'s office later today. Thank you all for the love, prayers and support!!! Much Love. 
13 Sep 11 by member: jsfantome
Glad your U/S wwent well - we all knew it would! Here is a webline for you to look at - you may have come across it already - its today with primal blueprint so if not interested, ignore, but he has some good ideas and lots of great articles .... - http://www.marksdailyapple.com/  
13 Sep 11 by member: sarahsmum
Sounds as if your body has found comfort in where it's at right now. I'm wondering if you kick up the exercise and the fuel if something might happen. I think the hardest part of this (at least for me) is not to get fixated on the numbers on the scale and just keep doing what we know is healthy. It's a cycle for me. Some days I stand on the scale and mutter and other days I pass right by the scale and declare that I feel great whatever number might pop up on the little screen. Just your resolve alone will get you though this, I'm sure. You've come so far. Take a moment and look back at how far you've come! 
13 Sep 11 by member: Carlys Mom
You are a strong and determined woman. There's nothing that can be said here that you haven't already said. You will tweak things until you find that you are losing again. I think a great start is to do the Slim in 6, and this time with the greatest intensity that you can possibly muster up! I'm glad that things went well with the Dr. I know that's a load off your mind!  
13 Sep 11 by member: Adelinemf
As my friend Josh has been saying to me all week - it is really about being healthy. Focusing on size an the scale is not good. Focusing on health and healthy eating and healthy exercise is really what we all need. now you ow that I can't just do that as I believe you have a difficult time with that too. We tend to be pretty focused women. But your plans for the slim in 6 and OWL or even maintenance phases sound very reasonable to me. I also know that the primaal blueprint has some good stuff in it and might be a natural plan for you. i expect to use that for maintenace some day. Bottom line - you are not a quitter and I don't see you ever quitting... but you may have to be more flexible in your approach. Eating induction foods forever is just not something that I think anyone can do. maybe you should take 2 days a week and go to induction and then use OWL the rest of the week. That plus the exercise might give your body the jolt it seems to need. Thanks for telling about the results of your test... I was just about to PM you to ask :) So happy it seems all is well. 
13 Sep 11 by member: esimnons
Pleased I found out that your ultra sound was ok, before I went on hols :-) 
13 Sep 11 by member: Sk1nnyfuture
OK, Ladies..decision made. Just completed Slim in 6 (SI6) first workout! Funny I DO remember it being that hard! ;) Probably why at 200+ lbs I never went back ;) LOL!!!! We're going to give this thing a run for it's money. And if this doesn't do the trick... then I'll be on to another avenue, AND...I will look damn good on that street :) 
13 Sep 11 by member: jsfantome
Indeed you will look good :) 
13 Sep 11 by member: esimnons
I'm betting you look "damn good" now!! LOL!!! Can't think of a bit of counsel that hasn't already been offered or that you already "know" in your heart. It is indeed an ongoing PROCESS ... we are not PRODUCT ... we don't ever get "done!" Thanks for the buddy add ...and the comment at my place ... very helpful thoughts. 
13 Sep 11 by member: madaboutmoose
Paula, glad that the news from the radiologist was good....lots of women have those things, and they turn out to be nothing more than a nuisance. As for SI6...I did that last summer ('10). It is a good workout, that's for sure! Love and hugs, my friend! And congrats on that pound!  
13 Sep 11 by member: ctlss
Thanks Stef - just need to keep myself accountable, and my motivation high... if I can stick with this... I know this will help. It just felt really good to be doing a full fledged exercise routine, instead of just putzing around at the gym! (if you know what I mean :) 
13 Sep 11 by member: jsfantome
Hi Paula, have you ever thought that at your age, 147 lb is where you are meant to be? I don't want to be a debbie downer but that's not a bad weight to be at and you look absolutely gorgeous. Perhaps you are asking too much of yourself? Not that you can't continue to eat well, healthy, fresh, etc, and keep exercising etc but less focus on a number and more on how you feel and how you look and how your clothes fit. Just saying is all - I'm not trying to get you to quit on yourself, just another point of view to consider. 
13 Sep 11 by member: sarahsmum
Hey Issy - I get what you're saying..and I do agree somewhat. I have really thought about this alot! LOL! I don't particularly KNOW what the number will end up being... but I definitely see a difference now than even just last year at 140. And I just want to have more tone and definition, less flab and overall feeling of there still being that little fat roll that hangs around my midsection...little improvements that I believe will come with just a little more fat loss. You know, when people talk about 'skinny-fat'... well I feel like I am 'normal-fat'. I am not skinny. But by no means am I 'fat' anymore. Just stuck in a place that isn't where I really feel is my 'best'. And can't hurt to try... so onward, and downward, as I like to say :) Much Love. 
13 Sep 11 by member: jsfantome


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